Monday, November 11, 2019

Homelab: Update

I promised an update when the rework was complete, and here it is.

First, the rack and stack. This took a bit of time, and a bit of patience as I sourced the best deals on my favorite auction site. My patience paid off, and here's the finished product. From top down:

Ubiquiti UniFi USW-XG (16 port 10Gb ethernet)
AC Infinity sensor based intelligent fan
Ubiquiti UniFi USW-16 (18 port 1Gb ethernet)
Leviton commercial power conditioner
Dell EMC PowerEdge R620 x4
2014 Mac Mini (home media server)
Drobo 5c (connected to Mac) with 5x 1.5TB SSD
Drobo 5n (clients, vCenter backups) with 5x 8TB HDD

All of this is connected to my Ubiquiti UniFi based system. The only component of the network that is not UniFi is a SonicWall TZ350 just before my Comcast Business CPE.

This home lab is surprisingly quiet and consumes (again, surprisingly) much less power than I originally planned for or had available when I built it.

It's all virtualized using vSphere (of course), managed by vCenter and vRealize Log Insight (VMUG Advantage is awesome by the way), and I recently installed a TIG stack (Telegraf, InfluxDB and Grafana) to see what kind of metrics I could get out of it. Questions / comments welcome.


Saturday, November 02, 2019

Homelab: connectivity

I've posted a little bit about my home lab, and have recently consolidated everything into a single rack. I'm still waiting on a few components for the rack to address recirculation and aesthetics, so I'll wait to publish pictures until that's complete.

I'm a big fan of Ubiquiti UniFi products, and they suit a lab's needs well. If you're looking for a managed solution of simple layer 2 switches, go check them out. I'll publish links to the products as I describe them.

My lab is connected to my home network via the default VLAN. That's the only way into the lab. Everything else is isolated within the lab networks. My home network consists of a pretty robust firewall, and everything behind it is Ubiquiti.

I have a 1Gb fiber connection between the switch that serves my home and the lab "core" switch. The lab core is a UniFi Switch 16 XG (link) that offers (12) 1/10 Gb/sec SFP+ capable ports, and (4) 1/10 Gb/sec RJ45 ports. It is connected to a UniFi Switch 16 (link) and a UniFi Switch 8 (link).

The VLAN configuration simplifies everything in the network. Rather than worry about port assignments, VLAN to port tagging, etc; I decided to create my distributed virtual switches with the VLAN tag in the Distributed Port Groups. This way, I can maintain flexibility and simplicity. The only exception in this scheme is in the connections to the NAS platform which is connected to the Default VLAN and is accessible from both the home network and the lab network.

The server connectivity is shown to the right.

I didn't have a 24 port switch, so I decided to separate management and provisioning. There's not really a need to do that for a small environment, but I could - so I did.

The vMotion and vSAN ports are separate, and the DVS' are using separate VLANs in the connections. I could have used a LACP connection on these ports but in the interest of simplicity, these connections are separate 10Gb/sec using SFP+ DACs.

Hopefully if you're building a server based home lab, you find this helpful. Comments / questions welcomed below.


Homelab: The quest for the circle of trust

NOTICE: This contains some advanced and potentially dangerous configuration steps. If you're at all uncertain on this, please don't do it. I cannot assume any responsibility for your system or information security. This worked for me, and may introduce serious risk to your own system. Know what you're doing, and how to undo it - or don't read this.

I would like to address an issue that has come up with Mac OS Catalina (10.15.x). Besides the rapid release of fixes, etc associated with iOS 13 and Catalina, one other issue has arisen that I found the workaround for. It truly is a workaround, and appears to affect ONLY Chrome on Catalina.


SSL certificates are a pain by any measure, and self-signing isn't working anymore on Chrome / Catalina. SO, you can either get / create your own (a massive pain), or follow the steps below.

The NET:ERR_CERT_REVOKED message can't be bypassed like some SSL errors that Chrome reports. In the case where you're on the internet or looking into a system that you're not completely familiar with, this is a good thing. However, in the case where you KNOW the system (home labs are a perfect example), this is a royal pain.

So, upon connecting to my lab post-upgrade (to Mac OS Catalina), I received this message on all of my "home" systems. Connecting via Safari worked, as did connecting via Firefox - so I knew it was (1) a certificate issue, and (2) Chrome. Here's the workaround:

1. Open the URL in Safari ex: You will receive the usual SSL message. 
Select "Show Details"
2. Here's a little known Mac OS trick. Once you view the details of the offending certificate in Safari, you can drag the certificate to your desktop by click / hold / drag the image. You'll then have your certificate on your desktop.

3. Once it's there, open "Keychain Access" and drag the certificate into your certificate store.  Once there, you need to expand the "Trust" section at the top and then select "Always Trust". This will then allow you to connect via Chrome. PLEASE NOTE: If you are at all unsure about what you're doing here, please do not do it. This bypasses a VERY significant security feature of Mac OS and Chrome. I am only doing this because I trust these systems.

I hope this works for you. I would also STRONGLY state that this process should NEVER be used on any SSL protected connection that you are not 100% responsible for, and definitely not for something outside of your own network and control.
